Proud to be a Rancher Live It To know It
I'm proud to be a rancher. Where live it to know it is a way of life. Bart Miller, one of the owners of Mason & Morse Ranch...
[Definition] Live It To Know It: A practical understanding derived from the accumulation of lived experiences - both successes and failures. Life rich in experiences brings forward insights and a natural level of knowledge and skill to each individual. These experiences enhance self awareness, develop into passions, shape one’s principles and value system. Live it to know it embeds deep into our daily routines and can help strengthen community. Lived experiences are a valuable source of knowledge for others and our communities when shared. It illustrates practical lessons and guidance that educational knowledge alone cannot provide. Each generation learns from the experiences of the previous one, but also shapes its own understanding through direct engagement with life’s challenges and successes. This approach exemplifies the importance of storytelling, mentorship and shared experiences, allowing the next generation to internalize lessons in a more profound and relatable way.
So go ahead...Live It To Know It
and share your story
Fall is here, and there's nothing quite like the crisp mountain air and the thrill of bow hunting in Colorado. Craig Townsend, Associate Broker with Ranch Company, loves spending time in the great outdoors, combining his passion for real estate and the rugged wilderness.
Saddling up in Wyoming. Nothing beats an afternoon ride! Associate Broker with Ranch Company, Scott Leach and his partner Sheila saddle up for a scenic adventure, taking full advantage of the beautiful landscapes across the open range of the West.
When it comes to hunting in Wyoming, nobody knows the terrain and rules like James Rinehart. As a Broker Associate and Principal Owner at Ranch Company, James has the experience and knowledge to guide you through both the real estate and hunting landscapes. Wyoming's wilderness is his backyard! Whether you're tracking game or seeking the perfect ranch property, James is your go-to expert.